Daisy Art Gallery

Stefan Kaduch

Stefan Kaduch
  • Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Slovak University of Technology – Faculty of Architecture and Design/ Industrial Design, Bratislava, Slovakia
  • The School of Design, Bratislava, Slovakia

About me and my passion “Creating Art”:

Steffano describes himself as an artist “in body and soul”, he comes from Bratislava and works in Slovakia and neighbouring Czech Republic as a painter and designer.

Steffano’s works and designs were exhibited in the Átrium House of Furniture as well as in the Pállfy Palace on the occasion of 15 years of design in Slovakia. He has been painting since he was a little boy and he hasn’t still got bored of creating art… 🙂 His greatest inspiration and at the same time also motivation is his little daughter Elisabeth.

He looks for inspiration mainly in nature and his motto is “there is beauty in simplicity”. He likes to combine old and new artistic directions and techniques like golden section or perfect curve. Steffano gets deeply inspired by Impressionism and Hyperrealism, which are reflected in his very diverse artworks – paintings, designs or sculptures.

Stefan on LinkedIn

Daisy Art Gallery: Artistic Works

A selection of artistic works for SALE:


Our Mission

With our online “Daisy Art Gallery” you can switch from the virtual art world to the tangible art world! You can enrich your life, awaken your imagination, express your values and attitudes as well as support and encourage young artists in their artistic endeavors.

Whatever you need, you can contact Jana at:

mobile: +49 176 246 19113

e-mail: daisyonlinegallery@gmail.com