Daisy Art Gallery


  • 1974, Bratislava, Slovakia
  • 2020 – present, Sculpturing and Modelling Workshops, Folk School of Fine Arts (the Studio of Milan Remet and Veronika Vargova), Bratislava, Slovakia
  • 2019- 2020, Painting Workshop, Folk School of Fine Arts (the Studio of Dusan Sekala), Bratislava, Slovakia
  • 2004- 2007, The Academy of Fine Arts and Design (the Studio of Prof. Milota Havrankova), Bratislava, Slovakia
  • 2003, Institute of Creative Photography Silesian University, Opava, Czech Republic
  • 1993 – 1998, Faculty of Law, Comenius University , Bratislava, Slovakia
Photography Exhibitions:
  • March 1997, “Refugees”, Gallery Focus, Bratislava, Slovakia
  • November 1995, “Auschwitz”, City Cultural Center, Bratislava, Slovakia
  • September 1995, “Shadow”, Gallery Focus, Bratislava, Slovakia
About me:
  • I am a lawyer by profession and I balance the somewhat black-and-white world of facts and regulations with creativity, the colors of fantasy … I have tried out various art forms: from photography I gradually switched to painting and modeling from clay …

Ghibli on Facebook

A selection of artistic works for SALE:


Our Mission

With our online “Daisy Art Gallery” you can switch from the virtual art world to the tangible art world! You can enrich your life, awaken your imagination, express your values and attitudes as well as support and encourage young artists in their artistic endeavors.

Whatever you need, you can contact Jana at:

mobile: +49 176 246 19113

e-mail: daisyonlinegallery@gmail.com